Opanasiuk Anatolii Serhiyovych
Head of the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
Borysenko Oleksii AndriyovychDoctor of technical sciences, Professor |
Kulyk Ihor AnatoliyovychDeputy Head of the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Berezhna Olha VolodymyrivnaCandidate of technical sciences, Associate professor |
Hrynenko Vitalii ViktorovichCandidate of technical sciences, Associate professor |
Novhorodtsehv Anatolii IvanovichCandidate of technical sciences, Associate professor |
Zuban Yurii OleksandrovichCandidate of technical sciences, Associate professor
‘ |
Dobrozhan Oleksandr AnatoliyovychCandidate of physical and mathematical sciences, Associate professor
Horiachev Oleksii YevgeniovichCandidate of technical sciences, Senior teacher |
Diachenko Oleksii ViktorovichCandidate of physical and mathematical sciences, Associate professor |
Protasova Tetiana OleksandrivnaSenior Lecturer
Shevchenko Maryna SerhiivnaLecturer
Holofost Iryna VolodymyrivnaLeading specialist, Secretary of the department
Savisko Olha Volodymyrivna1 category specialist
Hapych Vasyl MykolayovychHead of scientific laboratories
Liubyvyi Oleksandr AndreyovychHead of scientific laboratories |
Znamenshchykov Yaroslav VolodymyrovychDoctoral student
Yermakov Maksym SerhiyovychPostgraduate
Yevdokymenko Vladyslav YuriyovychPostgraduate v.yevdokymenko@ekt.sumdu.edu.ua
Pashchenko Maksym VolodymyrovychPostgraduate
Pysanyi Oleh ViktorovichPostgraduate
Lisovenko Oleksii IgorevichPostgraduate
Lyfar Serhii IvanovichPostgraduate
Boiko Bohdan RuslanovychPostgraduate
Shkyria Yurii OlegovichPostgraduate
Vasyliev Vitalii RomanovychPostgraduate