| Scientific Groups | Information and Communication Technologies

Information and Communication Technologies

Research group

Led by Prof. O. A. Borysenko

Phone: 33-55-39, 25-75-25

Fax: 33-40-58


E-mail: electron@ssu.sumy.ua

Sumy State University

Department of Electronics and Computer Technology


Head of the research group:


Olexiy Andriyovych Borysenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Electronics and Computer Technology at Sumy State University.


Scientific research area:


Advanced information technologies, digital devices for comprehensive automation, communication systems.


Main research directions:


1. Development of methods and tools for data compression, including images.

2. Development of methods and tools for data protection against interference and unauthorized access.

3. Digital devices for computing systems and automation systems.



Plans for scientific seminars 2024-2025


Direction: Modern coding methods in information systems


Topics  Executives Deadline Completion mark
1 Practical implementation of binomial adaptive compression methods of binary data in information control systems Assoc. Prof. Kulik I.A. October 2024
2 Models and methods of arithmetic addition of binary binomial numbers in information and communication technologies Asst. Shevchenko M.S. December 2024
3 Models and methods for assessing the error-detection capability of inseparable codes in telecommunication systems Assoc. Prof. Kulik I.A. February 2025
4 Binary data bilateral compression method based on binary binomial numbers PhD candidate Hermes M.O. April 2025
5 Comparative analysis of equilibrium and quasi-equilibrium codes in information systems PhD candidate Kryvonis Yu.I. June 2025



Plans for scientific seminars 2023-2024


Direction: Modern coding methods in information systems


Topics  Executives Deadline Completion mark
1 Dissertation report “Models and methods of arithmetic addition of binary binomial numbers” PhD candidate Shevchenko M.S. September 2023
2 Presentation of the monograph “Methods of binomial adaptive compression of binary data” Assoc. Prof. Kulik I.A. October 2023
3 Inseparable codes in telecommunication systems Assoc. Prof. Berezhna O.V. January 2023
4 Methods for evaluating binomial adaptive binary data compression methods Assoc. Prof. Kulik I.A. April 2023



Plans for scientific seminars 2022-2023


Direction: Modern coding methods in information systems


Topics  Executives Deadline Completion mark
1 Application of multi-valued binomial number systems in electronic systems Senior Lecturer Protasova T.O. October 2022
2 Presentation of the monograph “Methods of binomial adaptive compression of binary data” Assoc. Prof. Kulik I.A. November 2022
3 Electronic systems for generating permutations based on factorial numbers Senior Lecturer Horyachev O.Ye. January 2023
4 Structural positional number systems for solving information problems in computer systems and components PhD candidate Shevchenko M.S. April 2023


Research group members:

1 Doctor of Science, 2 PhDs, 2 Research Associates, 4 PhD candidates


Objective of the projects and research:

To optimize hardware and software resources, protect data from interference and unauthorized access, and improve the performance of information systems at various levels, including regional and global.


Tasks of the projects and research:

To develop new methods and tools for coding and transforming information to ensure efficient compression and protection of data from interference and unauthorized access.


Research results:

Effective methods and tools for compressing and protecting various types of data, including digital television images. The synthesized algorithms and digital devices are expected to possess the following advantages:


  1. Adaptability to various sources of information that differ in the types of messages: text, images, graphics, etc.
  2. Adaptability to varying levels of interference in communication channels.
  3. The ability to simultaneously perform data compression and protection operations.


Ideas, hypotheses, and results of previous studies and developments:

The research is based on the ideas of combinatorial data compression and protection, some of which have been implemented in methods using binomial codes, the AB compression method for binary messages, and the slice method for images. Some methods and devices have been recognized as inventions.


Technical and economic justification for the research:

Currently, the insufficient bandwidth of existing communication channels, as well as limited data transmission time, negatively impact the development and dissemination of information networks and progressive information technologies. Replacing existing communication equipment and associated computing technology with more efficient ones requires significant financial resources. A much more cost-effective way to improve speed and interference resistance is to apply new data compression and protection methods.


Thus, the developed methods and algorithms will allow:


  1. Significantly reduce the amount of transmitted or stored information, and therefore reduce the cost of transmitting a single message or save on data storage media;
  2. Increase data protection from errors and unauthorized access, thereby enhancing the reliability and accuracy of data transmission.


Advantages and features of the proposed developments include:


  1. The ability to compress various types of information, including images;
  2. Optimal simultaneous compression and data protection can be achieved;
  3. Adaptability to the level of interference in communication channels.


Experience in this scientific field: Since 1985.


Some examples of previous developments by the author group:


  1. Development and research of binomial counting systems and digital devices based on them: Final research report / Sumy State University – 1999. – 70 pages.
  2. Development of synthesis algorithms and processing of two-dimensional images using slice methods and local windows with the application of binomial counting systems: Final research report / Sumy State University – 1999. – 70 pages.
  3. Patent 20368 of Ukraine. Memory equipment.

Number of author certificates and patents: Over 30.


Scientific publications of the author group on the research topic: Over 100.


Evaluation of the scientific and technical level of the proposed developments: Among the best in Ukraine.


Planned implementations after the research completion:


Product name Enterprise, organization where the development is planned to be implemented
Algorithms, digital devices, and programs for data compression and protection from interference and unauthorized access Computing centers, banking institutions, information networks


Head of the research group, Professor of the Department of Electronics and Computer Technology at Sumy State University, Doctor of Technical Sciences: O.A. Borysenko