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The Best Department Based on Research Achievements in 2023

            Yesterday (May 9, 2024), a meeting of the Academic Council of SumDU was held dedicated to the preparation for the celebration of Science Day. During the meeting, diplomas were awarded to the winners of the ranking of structural units of the university for the results of 2023, including diplomas for the competitions “Best Department Based on Research Achievements in 2023,” “Best Department for Organizing Student Research Work in 2023,” and “Best Department Based on International Activity Results in 2023.”


            In the category of “Best Departments” within the competition “Best Department Based on Research Achievements in 2023,” the Department of Electronics and Computer Technology received the 3rd place among all university departments. This competition aims to stimulate all directions of scientific activity at the university, including achieving high-quality results of research and development, their publication and implementation, ensuring the effectiveness of training scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, and more.


            The list of indicators used to determine the winners includes:







            Following the competition, structural units are encouraged with diplomas, certificates, or other awards, as well as financial support for research, including participation in scientific events outside the university, preparation of project documentation for participation in competitions of various levels, publication of research results, development of material and technical base, etc. Accordingly, the Department of Electronics and Computer Technology received additional funding of 10,000 hryvnias, and its head, Professor Opanasiuk A.S., received gratitude from the university leadership.


            It is worth noting that according to the ranking of the rector of the departments of SumDU for the results of activity in 2023, the Department of Electronics and Computer Technology took the 3rd place among 9 departments of the ELIT faculty and the 17th place among 59 departments of the university with the indicator “Above Average.” At the same time, according to the indicator I8 – financial assessment of the results of innovative activity of departments, the department took the first place in SumDU. This allowed the department to significantly improve the material condition of educational and scientific laboratories.


            Congratulations to all employees and teachers of the department who contributed to such a significant result, and we wish them further success!