| News | News | Successful Defense of the PhD Thesis in the Field of Knowledge 10 "Natural Sciences" by Vladyslav Yevdokymenko: "Optimization of the Characteristics of Nanoparticles and Films of CuO, ZnO , SnS Compounds for Solar Energy Converters" in Specialty 105 "Applied Physics and Nanomaterials

Successful Defense of the PhD Thesis in the Field of Knowledge 10 “Natural Sciences” by Vladyslav Yevdokymenko: “Optimization of the Characteristics of Nanoparticles and Films of CuO, ZnO , SnS Compounds for Solar Energy Converters” in Specialty 105 “Applied Physics and Nanomaterials

            On September 5, 2024, the defense of Vladyslav Yevdokymenko’s PhD thesis in the field of knowledge 10 “Natural Sciences” took place. The dissertation, titled “Optimization of the Characteristics of Nanoparticles and Films of CuO, ZnO, SnS Compounds for Solar Energy Converters,” was defended in specialty 105 “Applied Physics and Nanomaterials.” Due to military actions, the defense was conducted remotely. The one-time specialized academic council, chaired by Larisa Odnodvorets, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Electronics, General and Applied Physics of Sumy State University, along with reviewers – Oleksandr Honcharov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Complex Systems Modeling at Sumy State University, and Kostiantyn Tyshchenko, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Electronics, General and Applied Physics at Sumy State University, and official opponents – Roman Zaitsev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Micro- and Nanoelectronics at the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute,” and Valeriy Loboda, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Occupational Safety and Physics at Sumy National Agrarian University, decided to award Vladyslav Yevdokymenko the degree of Doctor of Philosophy based on the public defense of his thesis. Congratulations to the candidate on his successful defense, and we wish him further scientific achievements!