| News | News | Scientific Achievements of the Department of Electronic and Computer Technology (ECT): Publications in High-Ranking Journals and Participation in International Conferences

Scientific Achievements of the Department of Electronic and Computer Technology (ECT): Publications in High-Ranking Journals and Participation in International Conferences

         We congratulate the team of authors, which includes employees of the Department of ECT O. Borysenko, O. Horiachev, S. Matsenko, A. Novhorodtsev, O. Berezhna, V. Bobrovs, T. Salgals, and J. Porins, on the publication of the article “Factorial Numbers and Their Practical Applications” in the journal Applied Sciences (Switzerland), classified in Q2 quartile with an impact factor (IF) of 2.5.

         This work develops the theory of factorial numbers formed by positional numeral systems with mixed factorial numeral systems. It outlines the fundamentals of factorial number theory, provides a method for their generation, determines their range, and evaluates their noise immunity. The authors also propose methods for transitioning between positional and factorial numbers. The paper describes operations of addition and subtraction of permutations using factorial numbers, assesses the noise resistance of permutations, and evaluates the possibility of error detection and correction. The potential use of permutations formed by factorial numbers for constructing noise-resistant ciphers is demonstrated.

         This year has been rich in publications by lecturers, PhD students, and staff of the department in high-ranking scientific journals. Earlier, they published two articles in Q1 quartile journals and five articles in Q2. All journals where the articles were published have a high impact factor. For example, the journal Ceramics International has an IF of 5.1, and Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing has an IF of 4.2. In addition, scientific research findings were presented at five international conferences, including prestigious ones such as the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS), IEEE International Conference on “Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties” (NAP-2024), and the 2024 IEEE 5th KhPI Week on Advanced Technology, IEEE Conference. The materials of the last two conferences are indexed in the Scopus scientific database. Currently, two more articles are being prepared for submission, again to Q1-Q2 quartile journals. Publications in such high-ranking journals indicate the very high level of scientific work conducted at the Department of ECT. Most of the theses and articles by the department’s staff were written and published within the framework of the NATO grant “3D Printed Functional Elements for Flexible Electronic Devices” (Scientific Supervisor Prof. Opanasyuk A.S.).


Title Publisher, Journal (Title, Issue, Year) or Patent Number Page Count Co-Authors

A numerical simulation of solar cells based on the CuO and Cu2O absorber layers with ZnMgO window layer

   Materials Science and Engineering:

   B. –  2024. – V.300 – P.117133

   IF 3.9




8 p.    Ivashchenko M.M.

   Diachenko O.V.

   Opanasyuk A.S.

   Buryk I.P.

   Kuzmin D.V.

   Cerˇskus A.

   Shapovalov O.

   Plotnikov S.V.

   Gryshko I.A.


Grain growth of ZnO nanocrystals synthesized in polyol medium with polyvinylpyrrolidone additives


   Ceramics International journal. –

   2024. – V. 50, №4, 15 February,


   IF= 5.1




   Dobrozhan O.

   Klymov O.

   Agouram S.

   Muñoz-Sanjosé V.

   Opanasyuk A.


Effect of thermal annealing on the optical properties of 3D-printed nanostructured CuO films for flexible photovoltaic solar cells


   Journal: Physica B: Condensed

   Matter – 2024. – V.677 – P.415737

   IF 2.8





   Gnatenko Yu.P.

   Bukivskij P.M.

   Yevdokymenko V.Yu.

   Opanasyuk A.S.

   Bukivskii А.P.

   Vertygel I.G.

   Ovcharenko O.I.

4 Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured tetrahedrite
and its composite with dielectric inclusions
   Materials Science in Semiconductor

   Processing. – V. 182, 1 November. –

   2024. – Р. 108690

   IF 4.2





   Dobrozhan O.

   Pshenychnyi R.

   Klymov O.

   Zuñiga-Puelles E.

   Martínez-Tomás C.

   Muñoz-Sanjosé V.

   Gumeniuk R.

   Opanasyuk A.

5 Effect of Zinc Oxide Micro- and Nanoparticles on Cytotoxicity, Antimicrobial Activity and Mechanical Properties of Apatite-Polymer Osteoplastic Material     Journal of the Mechanical Behavior

    of  Biomedical Materials – 2024. –

    V.150. –  Р.106289






a    Sukhodub L. B.

   Kumeda M.

   Sukhodub L.

   Vovchenko L.

   Prokopiuk V.

   Petrenko O.

   Kovalenko I.

   Pshenychnyi R.

   Opanasyuk A.


Structural, microstructural, and optical properties of SnS films deposited by nanoink’s spraying with a post-growth temperature treatment


    Applied Physics A: Materials

    Science and  Processing 2024 –

    130(8) – 593

    IF 2.5





   Yevdokymenko V.

   Pshenychnyi R.

   Dobrozhan О.

   Opanasyuk A.

   Gnatenko Yu.

   Bukivskij P.

   Klymov O.

   Muñoz-Sanjosé V.


Optical and electrical properties of ZnO/NiO heterojunctions obtained by the spray-pyrolysis method

   Journal of Materials Science.

   Electronic materials 2024

   IF 3.5




   Yermakov M.

   Pshenychnyi R.

   Opanasyuk A.

   Klymov O.

   Muñoz-Sanjosé V.