In 2024, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (MESU) conducted a reporting campaign on scientific activities for 2021–2023 within its subordinate universities, along with two competitions for state-funded R&D projects: the main competition and the youth competition. Academic and research staff from Sumy State University (SumDU) participated as volunteer experts in reviewing annotated reports and project proposals. In total, SumDU representatives undertook 218 expert roles for annotated reports and 51 expert reviews for youth project proposals. Expert evaluations for the main competition are ongoing, with 173 expert roles assigned to university representatives. Timely completion of evaluations is critical for initiating funding of new projects in universities in 2025. The number of expert roles is also a key metric for university assessment during state certification of scientific activities.
From the ECT Department, Professor A.S. Opanasiuk and Associate Professors O.A. Dobrozhan and O.V. Dyachenko actively participated in the project review process.
They conducted numerous evaluations of both youth and standard research projects, for which they were awarded by the university’s rector.
To award the following employees for their diligence, high-quality work, and responsible attitude towards their official duties: