| News | News | Program of the Remote Visit of the Expert Group During the Accreditation Examination of the Educational-Professional Master's Program in Specialty 171 "Electronics" at Sumy State University

Program of the Remote Visit of the Expert Group During the Accreditation Examination of the Educational-Professional Master’s Program in Specialty 171 “Electronics” at Sumy State University


of the remote visit of the expert group

during the accreditation examination

of the educational and professional program for the master’s degree

at the second level of higher education

in the specialty 171 Electronics

at Sumy State University

(from October 7 to October 9, 2024)


            1. Purpose and Status of this Program


            This program is a document that records the jointly agreed work plan of the expert group at the higher education institution (hereinafter referred to as HEI) during the accreditation examination of the educational program, as well as the conditions for its work. Compliance with this program is mandatory for both the HEI and the expert group. Any further changes to this program are possible only with the consent of both the expert group and the HEI.


            The agreed visit program is recorded in the information system of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance and is part of the accreditation case materials. 


            2. General Conditions for the Work of the Expert Group


            2.1. The HEI provides all technical capabilities for the work of the expert group during their operation, using the ZOOM platform, and agrees that to avoid disputes, all meetings will be recorded via video. The HEI ensures internet access for members of focus groups and all stakeholders using wireless Wi-Fi technology and registers the corresponding participants for meetings on the ZOOM platform. In exceptional cases, internet access may be provided in another way.


            2.2. Members of the expert group ensure their own access to the internet using wireless Wi-Fi technology and register experts on the ZOOM platform. In exceptional cases, internet access may be provided in another way.


            2.3. The head of the expert group ensures video recording of the relevant meetings and is personally responsible for their non-disclosure, except for providing the relevant recordings to the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance for conducting the accreditation examination of this educational program.


            2.4. All participants in online meetings on the ZOOM platform are required to turn on their cameras for identification as both stakeholders and experts.


            2.5. The HEI facilitates the provision of photo/scanned copies of student ID cards or other documents confirming the identity of students as relevant stakeholders to the experts. The experts, in turn, are obliged not to disclose this information, except for the purpose of reviewing this accreditation examination.


            2.6. Internal meetings of the expert group are closed; unless agreed upon by the expert group, no HEI staff or other third parties may attend.


            2.7. The HEI ensures the presence of individuals designated in the remote visit schedule for each meeting at the agreed time and uses the ZOOM platform. Meetings included in the schedule are closed. No individuals may attend unless they are invited according to the schedule.


            2.8. The remote visit schedule includes a reserve meeting, to which the expert group may invite any individuals if the conduct of such a meeting is necessitated by the accreditation examination process. The expert group informs the HEI in a timely manner; the HEI must take possible measures to ensure the participation of the respective person(s) in the reserve meeting.


            2.9. The HEI provides documents and other information necessary for conducting the accreditation examination upon the request of the expert group.


            2.10. The contact person from the HEI for all issues related to the accreditation of the educational program is the guarantor of the educational program, as indicated in the self-assessment data.


            3. Schedule of the Expert Group’s Work



Time Meeting or Other Activities Participants
Day 1 – 07.10.2024


Registration of expertsе

Organizational meeting with the guarantor of the program

Members of the expert group: Fechan Andriy Vasylovych, Kotek Mykhailo Vasylovych, Lysyuk Iryna Ruslanivna; Guarantor of the program: Opanasiyuk Anatoliy Serhiyovych.

Preparation for Meeting 1

Members of the expert group: Fechan Andriy Vasylovych, Kotek Mykhailo Vasylovych, Lysyuk Iryna Ruslanivna.

Meeting 1 with the authors of the self-assessment data

Members of the expert group: Fechan Andriy Vasylovych, Kotek Mykhailo Vasylovych, Lysyuk Iryna Ruslanivna. Authors of the self-assessment data:

Guarantor of the program: Opanasiyuk Anatoliy Serhiyovych;

Deputy Head of the Department: Kulyk Ihor Anatoliyovych;

Member of the project working group: Dobrozhan Oleksandr Anatoliyovych.


Preparation for Meeting  2

Members of the expert group: Fechan Andriy Vasylovych, Kotek Mykhailo Vasylovych, Lysyuk Iryna Ruslanivna.

Meeting 2 with the leadership and management of the HEI

Members of the expert group: Fechan Andriy Vasylovych, Kotek Mykhailo Vasylovych, Lysyuk Iryna Ruslanivna;

Rector of Sumy State University Karpusha Vasyl Danilovych;

Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work of Sumy State University Kozii Ivan Serhiyovych;

Vice-Rector for Research of Sumy State University Chornous Anatoliy Mykolayovych;

Dean of the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology of Sumy State University Volk Yuriy Yuriyovych;

Head of the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Guarantor of the Program Opanasiyuk Anatoliy Serhiyovych.


Summarizing Meeting 1 and preparing for Meeting 3

Members of the expert group: Fechan Andriy Vasylovych, Kotek Mykhailo Vasylovych, Lysyuk Iryna Ruslanivna.

Meeting 3: Review of the material and technical base used during the implementation of the educational program

Members of the expert group: Fechan Andriy Vasylovych, Kotek Mykhailo Vasylovych, Lysyuk Iryna Ruslanivna;

Representatives of the HEI involved in demonstrating the material and technical base: Guarantor of the program: Opanasiyuk Anatoliy Serhiyovych;

Deputy Head of the Department Kulyk Ihor Anatoliyovych;

Head of the Laboratories of the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering Lyubivyi Oleksandr Andriyovych;

Junior Researcher, Postgraduate Student of the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Ermakov Maksym Serhiyovych.


Summarizing Meeting 3

Members of the expert group: Fechan Andriy Vasylovych, Kotek Mykhailo Vasylovych, Lysyuk Iryna Ruslanivna.


Lunch break


Meeting 4 with students and graduates of the educational program

Members of the expert group: Fechan Andriy Vasylovych, Kotek Mykhailo Vasylovych, Lysyuk Iryna Ruslanivna. Students of 1-2 courses (2-3 persons). Graduates of the educational program “Electronic Systems and Components” (4-6 persons).

Summarizing Meeting 4 and preparing for Meeting 5

Members of the expert group: Fechan Andriy Vasylovych, Kotek Mykhailo Vasylovych, Lysyuk Iryna Ruslanivna.

Meeting 5 with scientific and pedagogical staff.

Members of the expert group: Fechan Andriy Vasylovych, Kotek Mykhailo Vasylovych, Lysyuk Iryna Ruslanivna.

Teachers: Head of the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Guarantor of the Program Opanasiyuk Anatoliy Serhiyovych;

Associate Professor of the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Kulyk Ihor Anatoliyovych;

Associate Professor of the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Berezhna Olha Volodymyrivna;

Associate Professor of the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor D’yachenko Oleksiy Viktorovych;

Associate Professor of the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor Hryhorenko Oleksandr Vasylovych.


Summarizing Meeting 5

Members of the expert group: Fechan Andriy Vasylovych, Kotek Mykhailo Vasylovych, Lysyuk Iryna Ruslanivna.

Backup Meeting

Members of the expert group: Fechan Andrii Vasylovych, Kotyck Mykhailo Vasylovych, Lysiuk Iryna Ruslanivna; Additional invitees for the backup meeting
Day 2 – 08.10.2024


Registration of Experts


Preparation for Meeting 6

Members of the expert group: Fechan Andrii Vasylovych, Kotyck Mykhailo Vasylovych, Lysiuk Iryna Ruslanivna;

Representatives of student self-governance from higher education institutions responsible for participation in the internal quality assurance system of higher education:

Student Rector, member of the Quality Assurance Board of SumDU Kichko Daryna Oleksiyivna;

Student Dean of the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technologies (ElIT), member of the Quality Assurance Board of the Faculty of ElIT and SumDU Zyuzko Yuliya Vasylivna;

Deputy Student Dean of the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technologies (ElIT) for Scientific Work Vasylenko Anna Oleksandrivna;

Deputy Student Dean of the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technologies (ElIT) for Information Work Krupskyi Oleksandr Anatoliyovych;

Head of the Scientific Society of Students (Listeners), Postgraduates, Doctoral Students, and Young Scientists of SumDU, member of the Quality Assurance Board of SumDU Kushneriov Oleksandr Serhiyovych;

Acting Head of the NTSA of the Faculty of ElIT, member of the Quality Assurance Board of the Faculty of ElIT Rozhon Yuliya Vitaliivna;

Head of the Student Agency for Quality Education Liuty Andrii Olegovych;

Deputy Head of the Student Agency for Quality Education Halkin Dmytro Oleksiyovych;


Summary of Meeting 6

Members of the expert group: Fechan Andrii Vasylovych, Kotyck Mykhailo Vasylovych, Lysiuk Iryna Ruslanivna.

Meeting 7 with Employers

Members of the expert group: Fechan Andrii Vasylovych, Kotyck Mykhailo Vasylovych, Lysiuk Iryna Ruslanivna.

Employer representatives: Director of LLC “ESP “Converter” Arbuzov Volodymyr Viktorovych;

Chief Engineer of the Sumy Branch of LLC “Telesvit” Vyshnevskyi Valerii Mykolaiovych;

Deputy Director for Operation and Maintenance of Computer and Television Equipment of LLC “PRIMEFORT” Kibets Valerii Anatoliyovych;

Head of the Information Systems Administration, Telecommunications and Information Protection Department of the Information and Analytical Support Office of the Main Department of the National Police of Ukraine in Sumy Region Pecheniuk Dmytro Andriivych;

Head of the Beam Physics Department of the Institute of Applied Physics of the NAS of Ukraine, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Professor Ponomariov Oleksandr Hrihoriyovych.


Summary of Meeting 7

Members of the expert group: Fechan Andrii Vasylovych, Kotyck Mykhailo Vasylovych, Lysiuk Iryna Ruslanivna.

Meeting 8 with Administrative Staff/Support Structural Units

Members of the expert group: Fechan Andrii Vasylovych, Kotyck Mykhailo Vasylovych, Lysiuk Iryna Ruslanivna;

Representative of the Department of Social Work with Youth Tyshchynik Olha Valentynivna;

Head of the Center for Quality Assurance of Higher Education Liuta Olha Vasylivna;

Director of the Department for Personnel Management and Training of Scientific and Pedagogical Staff Tsihanyuk Dmytro Leonidovych;

Head of the Academic Integrity Promotion Group Akopyan Daryna Eduardivna;

Director of the Library Krytska Olha Vasylivna;

Head of the Coordination Center for Humanitarian Policy Kostenko Adriana Mykolayivna;

Representative of the Psychological Service Martyniuk Svitlana Leonidivna;

Deputy Dean of the Faculty of ElIT for Educational and Organizational Work; for International Work; for Practically-Oriented Training of Students and Integration Links with Employers Liuty Taras Volodymyrovych;

Deputy Dean of the Faculty of ElIT for Methodological Work Pazukha Iryna Mykhailivna;

Director of the Organizational and Methodological Center for Electronic Learning Technologies Zuban Yuriy Oleksandrovych.


Summary of Meeting  8

Members of the expert group: Fechan Andrii Vasylovych, Kotyck Mykhailo Vasylovych, Lysiuk Iryna Ruslanivna.


Lunch Break


Open Meeting

Members of the expert group: Fechan Andrii Vasylovych, Kotyck Mykhailo Vasylovych, Lysiuk Iryna Ruslanivna; all interested participants in the educational process (except for the guarantor of the educational program and representatives of the university administration).

Summary of the Open Meeting

Members of the expert group: Fechan Andrii Vasylovych, Kotyck Mykhailo Vasylovych, Lysiuk Iryna Ruslanivna.

Backup Meeting

Members of the expert group: Fechan Andrii Vasylovych, Kotyck Mykhailo Vasylovych, Lysiuk Iryna Ruslanivna; Additional invitees for the backup meeting

Meeting 9. Final Meeting

Members of the expert group: Fechan Andrii Vasylovych, Kotyck Mykhailo Vasylovych, Lysiuk Iryna Ruslanivna;

Rector of Sumy State University Karpusha Vasyl Danylovych;

Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work of SumDU Kozii Ivan Serhiyovych;

Vice-Rector for Scientific Work of SumDU Chornous Anatolii Mykolayovych;

Dean of the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technologies Volk Yuriy Yuriyovych;

Head of the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Guarantor of the Educational Program Opanasiuk Anatoliy Serhiyovych.


Summary of the Second Day of Work. Document Handling.

Members of the expert group: Fechan Andrii Vasylovych, Kotyck Mykhailo Vasylovych, Lysiuk Iryna Ruslanivna.
Day 3 – 09.10.2024

“Day of Judgments” – Internal Meeting of the Expert Group

Members of the expert group: Fechan Andrii Vasylovych, Kotyck Mykhailo Vasylovych, Lysiuk Iryna Ruslanivna.