| Без категорії | Olympiad 2018

Olympiad 2018

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine


All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad


in the specialty “Electronics


April 17-19, 2018




Invitation Letter


Participant Form


Example of Past Tasks


Olympiad Program


Information Brochure



Olympiad Results:




Team Score


Task Results




Evaluation Criteria


The Olympiad will include questions from the following disciplines:



  • Solid-State Electronics
  • Digital Electronics Devices
  • Technological Foundations of Electronics
  • Microprocessor Technology
  • Fundamentals of Microelectronics
  • Functional Electronics



Organizing Committee:



Chair of the Organizing Committee – Vice Rector of SumDU, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor V.D. Karpushа;


Deputy Chair of the Organizing Committee – Dean of the Faculty of ElIT, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Professor S.I. Protsenko;


Responsible Secretary of the Organizing Committee – Associate Professor of the Department of EPS, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor N.M. Opanasюк.



II Round of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the Specialty “Electronics”


Team Representation Norm – 3 participants per team (in the team ranking, teams with at least two participants will be considered).


Olympiad Schedule:


  • April 17 – Arrival Day (registration of participants, accommodation);
  • April 18 – Competition Day;
  • April 19 – Announcement of Results, Appeals, Summarizing, Closing of the Olympiad, Departure of Participants.

Please send suggestions for possible competition tasks to the Olympiad address.


Participants in the Olympiad need to bring:


  • Passport
  • Student ID
  • Calculator


Accommodation for student participants and jury members will be provided in the SumDU “Olympic” dormitory-hotel at the address: Sumy, Prokofiev Street 38/2, tel. (0542)665065, (050)0361391. The estimated cost of accommodation is 109-240 UAH per day. Participants are responsible for their own accommodation, meals, and transportation.


For additional information, please contact the Responsible Secretary




Phones: 066 43 23 103 – Responsible Secretary


e–mail: olimp.electronika@elit.sumdu.edu.ua

