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Scientific Achievements of the Department of Electronic and Computer Technology (ECT): Publications in High-Ranking Journals and Participation in International Conferences

         We congratulate the team of authors, which includes employees of the Department of ECT O. Borysenko, O. Horiachev, S. Matsenko, A. Novhorodtsev, O. Berezhna, V. Bobrovs, T. Salgals, and J. Porins, on the publication of the...

Participation of Associate Professor Oleksandr Dobrozhan in the EMRS Conference and Presentation of Research Results on Polyol Synthesis of Nanostructured Zinc Oxide

          From September 15 to 19, Associate Professor Oleksandr Dobrozhan, Ph.D. in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, participated in the autumn session of the EMRS Conference (https://www.european-mrs.com/meetings/2024-fall-meeting), held at the University of Technology in Warsaw (Poland). He...

Meeting of the Academic Council of SumDU: Recommendations for the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Scholarship for Young Scientists

          On September 12, a meeting of the Academic Council of Sumy State University took place, during which the issue of recommending candidates for the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Scholarship for young scientists was discussed. The...

The defense of Vladyslav Yevdokymenko’s dissertation for the Ph.D. degree has been scheduled.

            On June 28, 2024, the Academic Council of Sumy State University decided to establish a one-time specialized academic council for the defense of a Ph.D. dissertation titled “Optimization of the Characteristics of Nanoparticles and...

28 червня 2024 року вчена рада Сумського державного університета прийняла рішення щодо утворення разової спеціалізованої вченої ради для проведення захисту дисертації на здобуття ступеня доктора філософії “Оптимізація характеристик наночастинок та плівок сполук CuO, ZnO:Al, SnS для перетворювачів сонячної енергії” аспіранта кафедри ЕКТ Євдокименка Владіслава за спеціальністю 105 “прикладна фізика та наноматеріали” (науковий керівник Опанасюк А.С.).

28 червня 2024 року вчена рада Сумського державного університета прийняла рішення щодо утворення разової спеціалізованої вченої ради для проведення захисту дисертації на здобуття ступеня доктора філософії “Оптимізація характеристик наночастинок та плівок сполук CuO, ZnO:Al, SnS для перетворювачів сонячної енергії” аспіранта кафедри...

On June 13, 14, and 24, 2024, the final certification took place in the form of a public defense of qualification projects by the graduates of group ES-01 under the bachelor’s degree program “Electronic Systems and Components” in specialty 171 “Electronics”

            On June 13, 14, and 24, 2024, students from group ES-01 publicly defended their qualification projects as part of the bachelor’s degree program “Electronic Systems and Components” under specialty 171 “Electronics.”      ...

On June 12 and 19, 2024, the final certification took place in the form of a public defense of qualification projects by the graduates of group TK-01 under the bachelor’s degree program “Network and Internet Technologies” in specialty 172 “Telecommunications and Radio Engineering”

          On June 12 and 19, 2024, students of group TK-01 publicly defended their qualification projects under the bachelor’s degree program “Network and Internet Technologies” in specialty 172 “Telecommunications and Radio Engineering”        ...

On May 30th of this year, the university’s best young scientists were awarded in celebration of Science Day

         At the Scientific and Technical Council meeting held on May 30th this year, the best young scientists of the university were awarded in celebration of Science Day. Among the awardees were representatives from the Department of...

On May 22nd, a scientific picnic took place at the Congress Center of Sumy State University as part of the “Science Day” celebration. The event aimed to engage children and young people with the issues of education and various sciences

         On May 22nd, a scientific picnic took place at the Congress Center of Sumy State University as part of the “Science Day” celebration. The event aimed to engage children and young people with the issues of...

Awarding of the winners of the conference “Physics, Electronics, Electrical Engineering (PEE-2024)”

              As part of the celebration of Science Day on May 17, the EKT department held a ceremony to present prizes to the winners of the competition for the best presentation at the “International...