Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, Associate professor
Synthesis and research of nanostructured thin layers of new semiconductor materials obtained by chemical methods and modeling of multilayer structures based on them for the creation of modern microelectronics devices.
HIRSH INDEX (according to SCOPUS database): 6
ID 57008166500,
ORCID: 0000-0003-2312-5255
2013-2017: graduate studies at Sumy State University, Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering.
2008-2013: Faculty of Electronics and Information Technologies, Sumy State University. Specialty “Electronic systems” and
qualified as an electronics engineer (professional in the field of electronics and telecommunications). He graduated from the university with honors.
2019: candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, specialty 01.04.01 – “Physics of devices, elements and systems”. (Sumy State University) Dissertation topic “Optimization of structural, electrical and optical characteristics of layers of thin-film solar cells based on Mg, Zn, Cu oxides obtained by spray pyrolysis.” of science driver A.S. Opanasyuk
2020-present: senior lecturer at the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering of Sumy State University;
2019-2020: assistant professor of electronics and computer engineering department of Sumy State University;
2018-2019: researcher at the research department of the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering of Sumy State University;
2017-2018: engineer of the first category of the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering of Sumy State University.
Teaches students of specialties 171 “Electronics” and 172 “Telecommunications and radio engineering” of Sumy State University.
Was the executor, responsible executor of the following research works:
1. | “Obtaining and optimizing the properties of nanostructures and films of A2B6 compounds and their solid solutions for optoelectronics, spintronics and solar energy devices”, research work financed from the general fund of the state budget of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, No. 0113U000131, execution period 2013-2015 yr, (performer). |
2. | Complex state budget of the GDR “Development of the scientific foundations of obtaining ionizing radiation detectors and solar cells based on CdTe doped with isovalent impurities of 3d metals (Mn, Zn)”, No. 0115U003242, implementation period 2015-2017; within the framework of the subtopic “Structural, optical, and electrical characteristics of thin and thick films of CdTe solid solutions with isovalent impurities (Mn, Zn) for highly efficient detectors of ionizing radiation and solar cells”, No. 0115U000665c, execution period 2015-2017, (responsible executor). |
3. | “Synthesis, research and optimization of the properties of cadmium and zinc chalcogenide films doped with rare earth and isovalent impurities”, research work, which was financed from the general fund of the state budget of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, No. 0116U002619, implementation period 2016-2018, ( performer). |
4. | “Synthesis and optimization of the properties of solar cells based on the n-ZnO/p-Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 heterojunction, obtained by the printing method using nanoinks”, research work, which was financed from the general fund of the state budget of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine , No. 0119U100398, performance period 2019-2021, (executor). |
5. | Joint Ukrainian-Lithuanian project “Optimization of the structure and phase composition of SnxSny and Zn1-xMgxO compounds for film solar cells of the third generation”, Contract No. M/80-2018 and M/36-2019, execution period 2018-2019, (executor) . |
6. |
“Synthesis and optimization of the properties of semiconductor films Cu2ZnSn(Ge)SSe4, obtained by vacuum-free methods, for solar converters of the third generation”, No. 0117U003929, execution period 2017-2020, (responsible executor).
7. | “CdZnTeSe and CdMnTeSe polycrystalline films for the creation of the active zone of X-ray and gamma radiation detectors of the new generation”, No. 0121U109556, execution period 2021-2022 (responsible executor). |
8. |
Grant of the National Research Fund of Ukraine, competition “Supporting research of leading and young scientists”, name of the project “Promising |
9. |
NATO project “3D-printed functional elements for flexible electronic devices” under contract No. SPS G5916 within the framework of the “Science for Peace and Security” program, implementation period 2022-2024, (executor). |
Individual grant for internship at Sogang University (Seoul, South Korea, 2015).
Research internship at the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava (Bratislava, Slovakia, 2020).
Academic supervisor of graduate students, masters and bachelors.
Member of the expert council of the Ministry of Education and Culture for the examination of projects of scientific works, scientific and technical (experimental) developments of young scientists working (studying) in higher education institutions and universities belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Education and Culture, section “Safe, clean and efficient energy”.
Instructor of the Cisco Academy of Sumy State University.
Member of the working project group of educational program 172 “Telecommunications and radio engineering”.
1. |
Diachenko O. Optical losses in glass/ITO(ZnO)/CdS/Cu2ZnSn(SxSe1−x)4 solar cells with different kesterite composition / S. Kakherskyi, О. Diachenko, N. Opanasyuk, А. Opanasyuk. // Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials. – 2022. – Vol. 23. – P. 552–562.
2. |
Diachenko O. Structural and optical properties of cuo thin films synthesized using spray pyrolysis method / О. Diachenko, J. Kováč Jr, O. Dobrozhan, P. Novák, J. Kováč, J. Skriniarova, А. Opanasyuk. // Coatings. – 2021. – Vol. 11. – P. 1392. |
3. |
Diachenko O. Structural properties and chemical composition of zno films deposited onto flexible substrates by spraying polyol mediated nanoinks / O. Dobrozhan, S. Vorobiov, D. Kurbatov, М. Balaz, М. Kolesnyk, О. Diachenko, V. Komanicky, А. Opanasyuk. // Superlattices and Microstructures. – 2020. – Vol. 140. – P. 106455. |
4. |
Diachenko O. Morphological, structural and optical properties of Mg-doped ZnO nanocrystals synthesized using polyol process / O. Dobrozhan, O. Diachenko, M. Kolesnyk, A. Stepanenko, S. Vorobiov, P. Baláž, A. Opanasyuk // Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. – 2019. – Vol. 102. – P. 104595. |
5. |
Diachenko O. V. Efficiency modeling of solar cells based on the n-Zn1-xMgxO/p-SnS heterojunction / O. V. Diachenko, O. A. Dobrozhan, A. S. Opanasyuk, D. I. Kurbatov, V. V. Grynenko, S. V. Plotnikov //Journal of nano-and electronic physics. – 2019. – No. 11, no. 3. – P. 03024-1-03024-7. |
6. |
The influence of optical and recombination losses on the efficiency of thin-film solar cells with a copper oxide absorber layer / O.V. Diachenko, O.A. Dobrozhan, A.S. Opanasyuk, M.M. Ivashchenko, T.O. Protasova, D.I. Kurbatov, A. Čerškusc // Superlattices and Microstructures. – 2018. – V.122. – P. 476-485. |
1. |
Stalemate. 141172 U Ukraine, IPC B05D 5/12 (2006.01). A method of improving the quality of thin layers in Cu2ZnSnS4 polycrystalline films obtained by the vacuum-free spray pyrolysis method / A.V. Shamardin, D.I. Kurbatov, O.V. Dyachenko (Ukraine); applicant and patent owner Sumy state. Univ. – No. u201909186; statement 08/08/2019; published 25.03.2020, Bull. No. 6. |
2. | Stalemate. 114980 U Ukraine, IPC B05B 5/00 (2006.01). Automated device for applying films of semiconductors and their solid solutions by the vacuum-free method / O. V. Dyachenko, A. S. Opanasyuk, D. I. Kurbatov. (Ukraine); applicant and patent owner Sumy state. Univ. – No. u201610797; statement 27.10.2016; published 27.03.2017, Bull. No. 6. |
3. | Stalemate. 113142 U Ukraine, IPC B05D 5/12 (2006.01). The method of obtaining MgO layers by the spray pyrolysis method / O.V. Dyachenko, A.S. Opanasyuk, D.I. Kurbatov (Ukraine); applicant and patent owner Sumy State. Univ. – No. u2016 08112; statement 22.07.2016; published 10.01.2017, Bull. No. 1. |
1. Chapter: CdTe/CdZnTe-based radiation detectors / A.S. Opanasyuk, D.I. Kurbatov, Ya. V. Znamenshchykov, O. V. Diachenko, M. M. Ivashchenko
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Google Scholar: |–xOmIAAAAJ |
2022 | Certificate of Course Completion DevOps Winter 2022 EPAM Ukraine |
2022 | Certificate of Course Completion Partner: NDG Linux Essentials Cisco Networking Academy |
2021 | Certificate of Course Completion CCNP Enterprise: Core Networking Cisco Networking Academy |
2021 | Certificate of attainment in modern Language English, Level B2 ECL Exam Centre “Universal Test” |
2019 | Certificate of Course Completion CCNA Cybersecurity Operations Cisco Networking Academy |
2019 |
Certificate of Course Completion |