| Без категорії | On May 30th, the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering held a celebration for the "Electronics" specialty day and a round table discussion titled "The Educational Process Through the Eyes of Future Electronics Specialists," in collaboration with representatives from employers and the academic community

On May 30th, the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering held a celebration for the “Electronics” specialty day and a round table discussion titled “The Educational Process Through the Eyes of Future Electronics Specialists,” in collaboration with representatives from employers and the academic community

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         Every year in May, the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering celebrates the “Electronics” specialty day. This year, on May 30th, the faculty and students of the department also held the celebration. In these challenging times of war, university students unfortunately study mainly online, but it was decided to hold a meeting in the form of a festive round table over a cup of tea or coffee. The event took place in the Telecommunications and Electronic Technologies Laboratory, where faculty members, students of the “Electronic Systems” and “Electronic Systems and Components” programs, and our esteemed partners—stakeholders and experts—were invited.


         The celebration began with a welcome speech from the Dean of the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, Yuriy Yuriyovych Vovk, who noted the department’s high potential and its prospects for development.


         The head of the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Anatoliy Serhiyovych Opanasyuk, told the students about the department’s history, the peculiarities of studying at the department, and the scientific schools created with active student participation. Professor Oleksiy Andriyovych Borysenko warmly congratulated everyone on the occasion, reminiscing about his student years, the scientific projects of that time, and the inspiration of the department’s staff, who created and developed it.


         The festive wishes of the faculty were accompanied by the showing of a film and photo galleries depicting the history and present of the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering.


         The festive mood of the faculty and students did not hinder the serious and businesslike part of the event—the round table discussion on “The Educational Process Through the Eyes of Future Electronics Specialists,” involving students, representatives of employers (Director of LLC “ESP ‘Preobrazovatel'” V.V. Arbuzov, Senior Patent Engineer of Renesas Electronics Corporation Ya.V. Znamenshchikov), and faculty members. During the discussion on improving the quality of education and the level of academic preparation, the following issues were discussed:


– The relevance and practicality of the educational material in the implementation of the “Electronic Systems” and “Electronic Systems and Components” programs;


– The involvement of professional practitioners in the educational process for the “Electronic Systems” and “Electronic Systems and Components” programs;


– The priority areas for the development of the educational process within the “Electronic Systems” and “Electronic Systems and Components” programs;


– Satisfaction with the technologies and teaching methods, types of educational activities in the “Electronic Systems” and “Electronic Systems and Components” programs.


         The discussion and debates on the above issues were lively, substantive, and engaging. The future electronics specialists received comprehensive answers to their questions, formulated their educational needs regarding the content of educational components, the formation of individual learning trajectories, and interesting methodological approaches to mastering theoretical and practical material. As a result, the round table concluded with a decision to expand the educational material in the master’s level “Electronic Systems” program with methods for the application and creation of software for modern infocommunication systems and specialized microcontroller systems, as well as the introduction of courses on programming electronic systems, DevOps software automation systems, and the study and development of control and communication systems for unmanned systems into the catalog of elective courses.


         The business part of the “Electronics” specialty day round table ended with a closing speech by the employer, Director of LLC “ESP ‘Preobrazovatel'” Volodymyr Viktorovych Arbuzov. He emphasized the great prospects of the “electronic systems” field, the nuances and secrets of a successful career as a master’s and bachelor’s degree holder in electronics, and the necessity and demand for electronics specialists in strengthening the state’s defense capabilities and development.


         Returning to tea and treats, the students recalled the anthem and the electronics oath, which were traditionally recited by first-year students at such events—today, it was played as a recording.


         We congratulate the students, faculty, and sincere supporters of the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering on the specialty day celebration, and wish them new successes and victories!